Creating a Healthier Workplace

Earlier this year the World Health Organization (WHO) made physical activity and health a global priority. They cited alarming increases in serious health issues caused by sedentary lifestyles, noting that wealthier nations are less physically active than poorer nations. WHO also stated that people with sedentary lifestyles experience higher risks of developing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening ailments.

Studies indicate that over 80 percent of Americans spend, on an average, 70 percent of their time at work in a chair. In a 40-hour work week, this translates to over five hours a day or 28 hours a week. To compound matters, consider that even more time outside of work is spent sitting commuting or for leisure activities, like watching television.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine recommends sitting less simply by getting up from your chair to work, stretch or take short walks. Other easy-to-apply strategies to reduce sitting include talking the stairs, visiting someone to talk instead of sending email and holding standing or walking meetings, which has the added plus of encouraging shorter and more efficient meetings. Benefits of sitting less include:

  • Increased levels of energy and productivity
  • Lowered stress
  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced metabolism
  • Reduced common aches and pains
  • Lowered risk of serious health issues

In response to the growing demand for flexibility in the workplace, furniture manufacturers have responded by designing height adjustable office furniture. You are probably already familiar with adjustable chairs designed to ease lower back, neck and wrist discomfort. Now, adjustable worksurfaces that can be raised or lowered easily (manually or by pushing a button) are becoming commonplace.

One of the first questions you might ask is “How much will this cost?” At first glance, height adjustable workstations cost more than standard desks. However, pricing between traditional and adjustable desks is closer than you might imagine, and many consider the benefits well worth the investment. For most businesses, the bottom line is healthy and happy staff are assets.

Infinium Interiors has height adjustable furniture available for viewing and demonstration. To see first-hand how they look, feel and function, contact us to schedule a showroom visit.